really now.piss off.
neckache.eye ache.finger ache.
To Boobieh who still refuses to be on Facebook, for whatever reasons i will never know, this is my farm on this game,Farm ville.
I am not a game freak.Really.I am not.I used to play Bejeweled and Zuma in the office when i could, not in my capacity as a TL of course.Cannot set bad example to the young ones.
So when i used to receive requests to join this which was for almost a month,i simply clicked " ignore ". Sorry to those who sent me these requests.
Then one fine day, i was bored to my wits.House was clean.Laundry Done.Watered my 2 plants.Boiled drinking water.Clothes folded.
Of course,was also coaxed by a good friend, i cannot reveal the name here.You know who u r.
I decided to click on the request and am now hooked.It's been about 2 weeks now and all i can think about when i'm anywhere but home is to harvest my crops (sounds so wrong) but you know what i mean rite?!
so im in level 16 now which is quite fantastical considering i started seriously about a week ago-not sure what is the last level yet.and all i was wondering in the past 2 days i've been off is what will i do with my time when i've made it to the absolute lasttttttt level.
then about 5 seconds ago,i came across a new game called Farm Town which is even cooler because they allow you to store the harvested produce and sell them in the market place.
How divine is that huh!!!!!!
k back to farming now.
have a good week you all.

p/s:gotta clear my tangible groceries bought about an hour ago.my juice boxes are dripping wet now.damn!?!!
black wednesday.
ok ok.i tumpang glamor also la.since i was a witness/victim/passenger of this unforseen tragedy.tomorrow will be a week since this happened.i'm just glad we're both walking,talking and breathing.
thank you boo.u will always be the first ones we call when shit hits the fan or not.it was almost like seeing jd motionless all over again.thank you frenchie for keeping calm.as i said to you all,if that happened to me,i'd b crying until the fire people come.
papa-please service your car soon.m worried.what with the stupid rain and all.
to everyone else i know and love -jaga-jaga di jalanraya.mwahssss....:)*
ah beng on tow.aiyoh!
always yours.
love the surprise.don't know what it's for.perhaps it is sweeter when one doesn't.
so from just me and my blessed heart, thank you you.
i hardly get to hang out with all my fellow colleagues and my boss in a relaxed environment since we work reallyyyyy hard in different shifts.so it's nice to be off work for a couple of hours in the afternoon and just chill and what else....BOWL!!!! our first team outing late last year was dinner at Chilis' which was more of a get to know your boss and vice verse since jamie was in his 2nd month stint.everyone was in their best behaviours.i had the lamb shank which was yummy.nothing else happened.at least that i can remember.so last year news anyway :) so about 2 weeks ago,we took the monorail ( felt like a " lawatan sambil belajar ") to Berjaya Times Sq's Ampang SuperBowl Centre for 2 games of bowling - women vs men.i was to bowl against my boss.rite.who thankfully sucked as well.hahaha!
both games were won by men because they had jamil.jamil's pretty good actually or just that we sucked so badly that he was the best in the worst.
i was just glad that i beat jamie in the second game by individual points.muahahahaha!
Uncle Johnny's SteamBoat Restaurant- not bad am not really a huge fan of steamboat.
boss @ work or play, i can't tell.
goofing around.
hahaha David.
he suxxx at bowling which i found quite odd.his slide teruk.
Olive has a slow mo way of bowling.very very cute.
boss posing.
sammy who is en route to Sydney now with hubby.nice.
p/s: next event-karaoke.OMG!
My last hair snip was in April before the Europe trip;felt i had to have a new look.Jztin.my underpaid/no pay fashion consultant aka personal shopper has been naggin' ( after the 3rd time,it becomes a nag ) to pursue a radical change.
However,my round face and even rounder DOE eyes will not have any form of changes,radical or not.I wanted bangs.short.and maintain the length.i cannot do short either.my fine hair just will not have it.So i checked-in to Martin's Nuevo Salon at 5.30 and began work.
He relaxed my fringe,snipped it off,trimmed my back and sides. Finished at 8.15.
and Voila...Of course to have it look like this, i need Martin's magical hands,a hair dryer and for there to be no wind/sun/rain. How lah?!?!!
I hate blow drying my own hair/any one's. Air dry is THE way to go. :)*
Jztin's 22 @ 21
jusboy - i owe you this post. apologize for the unexpected delay.
jztin turned 22 on 17th July.m so darn proud of him. sipped in the flaming lambor i got him like a MAN.no drunken drama.no emo convo.just some good ol' plain and simple F-U-N.
loads of laughter.loads of dancing.loads of camwhoring.loads of drinking.the nite began with dinner at Club 21.
starters @ RM30++ ( wat the fuck )
main course @ RM55++ ( rite...)
didn't even bother to get to the dessert menu.
food's mouth wateringly delicious though.just a lil' pricey.
divine cocktails too.try the strawberry long island tea.
i know you had a ball.so did i.laughed loud.drank with no bounderies.danced silly.
so thank you for the invite.
love ya,my lil'adopted bro " quack quack quack ".
papa-go break this code :)*
p/s: birthday boy's shirt was our gift :) nice ah ?
can't wait for next years'.
p/ss: missed "u both " there.you know who you are.