The last weekend was a good weekend. Met up with old frenz.Faced my personal fears.Met new ones at AHR.Checked out Club 21-very HOT.Cooked on my half working stupid stove.Am so gonna break it once i purchase a traditional one.Old skool still the best.Ate.Drank.Played.Was MERRY.Slept like a baby!
Need to get another bottle of Jose Cuervo.
Hmm...probably in L'Kawi at year end.
Next on the list - Bring back the romance :)
"My insecurity Is takin' over me.I need to know where we stand.Is this a symptom of Us fallin' out of love.What happened to the romance?"
Need to get another bottle of Jose Cuervo.
Hmm...probably in L'Kawi at year end.
Next on the list - Bring back the romance :)
"My insecurity Is takin' over me.I need to know where we stand.Is this a symptom of Us fallin' out of love.What happened to the romance?"