
" Sometimes you pick your friends, sometimes they pick you "

my gorgeous angels.

let me introduce my bestest gals frenzzzz.i have been missing them for different reasons lately.maybe it's the whole aging process.i dunno.i know 10 years ago whilst sitting in the park curi curi smoking,we would have thought our lives would have been "settled" quite happily.now,i know we would rather pick that cold not soo clean park giggling silly and talk cock,huh?

tups-y-m so glad u're back n safer here near family n frenz.UK was something you had to do which saved u the next 40 years of misery.i admire your courage and independence.n YES-i will be fine....soon :)

macpei - i know letting go is never easy.u deserve better.always remember and believe in that u hot indian babe stuck in a chink body...

mila - u r NOT giving up.not just yet k?we will do the " follow the white line "in may when i get ter k.:)

mna - we love u.too much.tat's y we want to see u in a better place as a better person.

mummy - miss your care.i'll come back to u soon...

shu - how's oliver?how's ben?

sammy - have fun wif the bad boys.they R a lot more FUN...dangerous.yummy!

sin - will try to be a better fren n keep in touch more.was good to see ya last month.n YES - will save $ to visit u in the states n check out miami.:)

sarah-miss u screaming my name n watching u "kena" oppressed by mummy..hahahaha...

A friend drops their plans when you're in trouble, shares joy in your accomplishments, feels sad when you're in pain. A friend encourages your dreams and offers advice--but when you don't follow it, they still respect and love you.

that's what u gals do for me...bcoz i know m a lil' stubborn!
hugz n kisses wherever u R.

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