
my 1st home...lately...

tis is wer i spent too much of my time.i love my work area.it's in a corner.i love corners.just something sexy about corners.don't know what it is.it's probably got one of the best views in axp-klcc view.in the late nights when i wished i was elsewer,the view keeps me sane.i remember the nights lying on the klcc park staring at the stars.hmm..nice.
so back to THE workstation area in at least the 19th floor.i know it's messy.i've got stacks of paper waiting to be filed.any volunteers?i hate filing.i hate filing.i hate filing.my chinese plant tat was bought for more $$$ to come in is sitting... still alive!my coffee mugz,water tumbler,wet wipes,tissue box,magz,little irritating trinklets that i receive which is displayed bcoz there is no other use for it anyway,redoxon that i do not remember to chew on.bz chewin on other stuff.an abudance of chilli sauce n ketchup wc is probably expired.i tink.
wat else.yes.my moody laptop-it's got a mind of its own.shuts off by itself.craXy...
B-i love tis pic a lot.it's makeup less,its my not fake smile,my saucer doe eyes look not sooo doe,reminds me of mila whenever i wear that pullover.it's hers.so thank u.

p/s:spellchecked n grammertized tis entry twice to avoid someone sniggering in a corner...u know who u R...:p


Anonymous said...

i still sniggered. im telling ya its not the grammar. it's everyhing.

ShanKitha said...

LOL ! ! !